117 results for "what she said "

This 23-year-old pounded fufu for ₦200/day and worked in a bus park before getting into the apprenticeship system to learn the furniture business in 2020. It was the best decision at the time, but he’s no longer sure. Interestingly, his change of mind isn’t connected to not earning a salary. Now, he’s considering his options for a life after apprenticeship.
May 6, 2024
This 29-year-old baker lost her life savings to a romance scam, dropped out of university and became homeless in one year. Over the years, she’s survived multiple depressive and suicidal episodes. Her friends have consistently picked her up, but she wants a life where she doesn’t need to depend on them. She hopes to get there by achieving her culinary school dreams.
April 22, 2024
This 27-year-old got into photography at university after his dad lost his job and could no longer pay him an allowance. Eight years later, he’s still at it. Add that to his 9-5 as a communications officer, and he earns an average monthly income of ₦1.4m. With things looking up, he’s confident about his finances hitting the next level — $10k/month — in the next four years.
April 8, 2024