Nigerian mothers will drag you into the kitchen with them, and five seconds later, they’ll stare at you like you just told them half the news they share on WhatsApp is fake …

Where did I go wrong?

… just because you reached for the sugar when they asked for salt.

If your Nigerian mother made sure you spent every second with her in the kitchen, then you’ve definitely gone through the good, the bad, and the ugly with her.

Let’s remind you about some of those times.

When she calls you and for the first time ever, you come with no complaints 

She’s just happy to be there with her princess, but you know you’re only there because you have a party in a week and you need her permission to go.

When she lets you touch something after your fifth try

It’s not like you want to be in the kitchen, but if you’re going to be there, she should at least let you be useful, right?

She finally gives you a task, but it’s peeling Onga cubes open

It starts feeling like there’s zero trust in your relationship. No crushing? Your job is to Just peel the seasoning cubes and place them on a plate? Even prison wardens trust convicted criminals more than this.

When you copy everything she does, because you’re your mother’s daughter 

Including dusting your hands over the pot, even though the only thing you’ve done is peel open Onga cubes.

When she finally lets you take on a big-girl task

He And it’s just crushing Onga cubes into the steaming pot, but you do it like there’s an award waiting for you at the end.

Feeling just how hot the food and cooking spoon are

Your mother tastes the food, and you try to do the same, but God forbid you allow that piping hot spoon and food to come anywhere near your beloved hands.

The pride you feel when the meal is finally ready

After hours of standing in the hot kitchen and doing your mother’s bidding, your hard work is finally ready to be consumed in under 30 minutes.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.