Navigating male friendships can be interesting, funny, and chaotic all at once. But how exactly do you know that your friend group is solid and that you’re all in it for the long ride? Here’s a list of activities and experiences that unite male friends together by thunder or by fire.
1. Going on long ass road trips

If there’s one thing that will reveal your friends’ true colours, it’s a road trip. We’re not talking about a one-hour drive. We’re talking about distances like from Port Harcourt to Zaria. These are the types of journeys that open your eyes and ears to the friends who snore, fart or just have really bad taste in music. If you can survive a long road trip together, then your friendship is set for life.
2. Supporting opposing teams at the Champion’s League

Should you and your friends all support the same football club? In an ideal world, yes. But life is constantly turning on its own and good friends are scarce so we have to look beyond their poor club choices. If you jam each other at a match, openly support each other but secretly pray for the other to fail. The game is the game. Friend groups that survive multiple matches with its members on opposing sides tend to be stronger than the third mainland bridge. By the way, if your friend supports Arsenal, it doesn’t count because they won’t win either way.
3. Surviving concoction poverty food

Are you really friends if you haven’t all contributed your last N20 to buy and soak garri together? Sometimes it’s concoction rice and other times it’s eating eba with palm oil. Poverty will humble even the biggest of us, but mehn, it also has a way of bringing men together. By the time you guys get to the last spoon and one person says, “You can finish it,” that’s true undiluted love right there.
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4. Liking the same person

If this hasn’t happened in your friend group, raise your hands. No hands? Whoever said they’re plenty of fishes in the sea was either a detty liar or someone who match-made human beings with actual fishes. People keep saying that line, but everyone you meet is either taken or about to be taken, sometimes, by your close friend!. It do usually scatter some friendships, but real ones know that it’s bros over everything.
5. Surviving unprovoked SARS stop and search

Yes, we went dark real quick. Nothing brings people together faster than shared trauma and unfortunately for us, we live in Nigeria, and trauma is just seemingly the country’s default mode now. There’s something about seeing more than one guy in a car that just gets SARS excited to the point of foaming at the mouth. If you’ve driven with friends before, then you’ve probably experienced this once or twice. Stay strong, bro.
6. Beer parlour arguments

There’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down with the mandem for some beer, Nkwobi, and pepper soup. However, beer parlour yarns only start getting real when the heated arguments start about touchy subjects. Arguments like this can be long and exhausting, but deep down, you can’t help but live for the drama.
7. The drunken night no one seems to remember

You know that night everyone in your group references but no one seems to remember what happened during it or how you all got home? That’s the night we’re talking about. Even when one or two people remember what happened, their stories are never the same. It might sound like the plot of a Hollyood thriller, but ask around. It happens.
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