Would you dump yours if we gave you seven reasons to not wear bras anymore?

1. No more back pain 

You know that amazing feeling you get when you take your bra off at the end of the day? Imagine experiencing that all day long. You can spend more time out doing the things you love instead of running home to remove bra. 

2. Straps don’t show in your clothes 

At least Nigerians will stop trying to adjust your bra in public transport. Although, their next problem will be your nipples we will deal with these things one at a time. 

3. When it’s time to get down, things move faster 

When it’s time for hot fok, no need to think of how to remove your bra. Just remove your top and go straight to business. 

4. You save money 

Do you know how expensive bras are? You could get a bra and it won’t be the right fit — either the cup is too small or the band is too tight. Headache. 

5. Bras don’t actually help with sagging 

According to a 15-year study on 330 women done in France, women who stopped wearing bras noticed their breasts became firmer and their stretch marks faded. This means bras do more damage than good to breasts.

6. It boosts your blood circulation 

This study examined the effects of tight clothing on bodily circulation and found that bras are not great for circulation. The tightness around your chest slows your circulation by compressing major blood vessels and this can cause cardiovascular issues as you grow older. 

7. Bralettes are cuter and more fun 

And that’s facts. 

You don’t have to not wear a bra if you don’t want to. Do what works for you. 



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.