Let’s throw it back to when life was somewhat easier. At the time, Instant Messaging wasn’t exactly as mainstream as it is now, with limited options available.

2go came in and became a hit. For starters, it ran on Java phones, which was what most people were using at the time. WhatsApp was available already, but it was running on OS lots of people didn’t have access to at the time – Symbian, Blackberry, and Android.

The struggle to buy GoCredits

2go was free for the most part, but you need the credits to get some additional fun features and in-app purchases. You probably starved yourself at some point to buy the airtime you converted to the coveted credits.

The group chats with your classmates and friends

Before WhatsApp groups became the thing, there were the group chats you can belong to with your friends. It was the littlest thing ever. Lots of gist and gossip to go around.

And the lit chat rooms

There was a lot of them, spanning across different topics and interests. Lots of people to meet and lots of noise to make.

And the ridiculous display names

Nigerians had always been creative sets of people. Oh, by the way, if you ever sent airtime or GoCredits to “Sexydiva2001”, chances are that you fell to a “romance scam”

Let’s not forget 2Go Trivia and 2Go words 


These are by far the best parts of 2Go. The trivia and anagram games were the bombs. You wanted to win as many rounds as you could, so you had to bring your A-Game on.

Ha, the race to reach Ultimate

2go operated a star system – some sort of hierarchy determined by how much time you spent on the app. You start from novice and climb up to the summit – ultimate. If you got past Professional, you need to be proud of yourself.

But then, WhatsApp and BBM became the trends


As they say, every good thing must come to an end. The popularity of WhatsApp and the now-defunct BBM became the death of 2go. Anyway, it was good while it lasted.



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