7 results for "sex life"

What’s your oldest memory of money?  I was 5, and my mum gave me money to buy a crate of eggs – ₦1 coin. My own introduction to money was with coins, and this was in 1990. There was the 50 kobo coin. My boxed-up uncle used to give me whenever he visited.  What could […]
December 28, 2020
Let’s start in the trenches. When did you first feel like you were in a hole? That must have been when I was in Uni. I wanted to study Medicine, but it wasn’t working out. I tried going abroad, gained admission, but my parents didn’t have money to pay. So, I just settled for one […]
August 10, 2020
What’s the first experience in your life that made you realise ah, money sweet o?  That would be JSS1 in 2004. I went to a boarding school and it was my first time away from the safety of home. My pocket money for the term was ₦200, and I had classmates who had ₦1,000 for […]
November 25, 2019