We all know Nigerians like to manage money, but there are people who absolutely HATE spending money. They’ll do anything to avoid opening their purses. ANYTHING. Spending other people’s money is their calling. If there’s a promo somewhere, they are there.
Always asking for giveaway

They’ve turned on notifications to Don Jazzy’s tweets. You can surely find their account number under any giveaway post. I’m not mentioning any names o.
Always looking for promo code
You’ll find them easily on your Whatsapp with “Does anyone have uber/bolt promo code? Urgent pls.” Because they are always in a hurry not to spend their money.

Always pricing things in the supermarket
Don’t be taken aback when you get to the checkout and you see them asking if 750 for Dano milk is the last price because they bought it in Balogun market for 730 yesterday.

Knows where all the cheap things are sold
You have to give it to them; they make the best plugs if you need to find the cheapest things. Cars, phone, clothes, they have a plug.

Been using the same phone forever
I mean, they hate spending. Of course they are not going to change a perfectly working phone.

Their USB cord is on its last life
They know themselves.
Now, come and read this one: 6 Excuses To Break Up With Your Nigerian Girlfriend