When I was a kid, I believed rain fell because an Angel left taps running in heaven. My older sister told me that, although she vehemently denies it. I was curious to know other ridiculous things people believed as kids and I got a lot of funny responses. Which of these did you also believe?
- If you poured the water you used to watch clothes on your legs, someone was going to lie against you.
- I believed that if you stood under an umbrella when it was not raining, it was going to rain on your wedding day.
- I believed that if you stood while eating, the food will go to your legs instead of your stomach. Also, if you laid down while eating, the food wouldn’t give you strength and if you got into a fight with someone you’re much older than, the person automatically becomes stronger than you and beats you up.

- Standing in the wind long enough would make me fly.
- Looking at your shadow can make a person ugly.
- I thought looking at the moon would give you blue eyes.

- I believed that if you threw your agbalumo on the wall 7 times and rubbed it between your palms, it would become sweeter.
- I also believed that rubber bands sucked my blood and that I had to lick my blood when I bleed, so I won’t lose blood.
- When you shared cooked eggs with someone, it meant you’re sharing your heart with them.

- If you make a wish when you see a shooting star pass by, your wish will come to pass. I’ve seen a shooting star twice and I am still broke AF.
- When your teeth removes and you don’t throw them on the rooftop with seven stones, they won’t grow back.
- If you have a sore throat, it means you spat on the floor and someone stepped on it before it dried up.
- When you walk over burning ash from wood with your laps spread out, it’ll make bedwetting painful and ultimately stop it.

- I believed if your teeth fell off, you had to throw it on a roof or bury it for it to grow back – I always threw it on the roof.
- If I plucked my lashes and put them on my head while holding the thought that a particular person should forget about me, they’d forget. I nearly pulled out all my eyelashes one day, hoping my maths teacher will forget about me, but he still remembered to flog me.
- When you swallow agbalumo seed, a tree would grow in your stomach.
- If the sun was shining and it was raining at the same time, it meant an elephant was giving birth.
- If I didn’t throw my tooth on the roof and a lizard saw it in my hand, it meant my tooth would never grow back.

- If you look at the mirror before you sleep you will have a nightmare.
- When rain fell, it meant angels were crying in heaven.
- I believed putting thread on the head helped with hiccups. It’s strange how I know it’s silly but can’t say it didn’t work.
- White birds (Leke Leke) gave me white fingers.
- I believed that at the sight of a hawk if I bent any of my index fingers backwards and raised it in the direction of the bird, it would hypnotize the bird and make it fall. The more people doing it per time, the more effective it was. Frankly, I can’t say it didn’t work.

- If you swallow agbalumo seed, a tree would grow in your stomach.
- When the sun was shining and it was raining at the same time, it meant an elephant was giving birth.
- If I didn’t throw my tooth on the roof and a lizard saw it in my hand, it meant my tooth would never grow back.

- I used to think that 10k was enough money to send someone from JS1 till they finish University. Ten thousand NAIRA oo.
- If I swallowed a seed, the whole tree will grow in my stomach.

- I thought clouds were made of cotton candy and that there was an all-you-can-eat buffet in heaven.
- Also believed that thing about your child looking like someone because they crossed over your leg.
- I thought rain fell because Angels were either watering plants, crying or showering and that was why it rained.

I believed and still kinda believe that when it rains and you put out your hand, if lightning strikes, your hand will be paralysed forever in the form it was when the lightning struck.

I believed that If I broke the television I could enter it and live with the actors.
I believe that the sun would make me lighter because it was bright. I would always stay outside whenever the sun is very bright just so I could get fair. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that it would only make me get darker.
My brother told me that if I sprayed perfume or put some body lotion in my butt and when I fart it won’t smell (he actually said it will scent greatly). I stupidly did it too.
I used to believe that people had sex through their navel. For some reason, I thought that was where babies came out from, so that’s how women got pregnant.