Thick thighs save lives started as a body-positive slogan, and while it has made people a lot more confident about their bodies, it’s not all rainbows. We’ve highlighted a few thick thigh struggles in this article.

1. Your jeans always get ripped

You’ve long realized that you can never have a favourite pair of jeans because it’ll eventually tear, and you’d have to turn it to a short. The worst part is that they rip in very specific places like your inner thighs or under your butt.

Affliction will not last a lifetime or how does that go

2. You can’t find pants that fit

No one can understand the pain of going shopping and coming back empty-handed because nothing fits. Either the waist was too big or the legs were too small, except its high waist pants, but who still wears those? At least, you now have a very interesting collection of belts.

We all have that one trouser with this problem

3. Dark and light patches 

One big thick thigh struggle is the dark patches you have from years of your thighs rubbing together. Light patches on the other hand appear between the thigh of every pair of jeans you’ve ever owned. There’s no winning with this thing, and jeans should be abolished.

4. Baby powder is your best friend

The amount of times baby powder has come through for you is something you’d never be able to explain. It keeps the chaffing at bay, so you can wear whatever cute skirt or dress you want, that is, until you start sweating, and it disappears.

God airpus

5. You can’t find the perfect shorts

If you find shorts that fit perfectly, you must guard them with all your might. If you order shorts, you always prepare yourself for how much shorter it’ll look when you wear them, and you spend way too much time pulling them down and looking uncomfortable to enjoy it.

You’re not alone

6. Dresses are a bother

This is a very important thick thigh struggle. You always have to wear your dresses from your head because they won’t fit any other way and finding the perfect shirt dress is a nightmare.

Where does it end?

7. Ripped jeans are a no

Your thighs are constantly threatening to spill out of the ripped bits and whenever you take your ripped jeans off, you’re left with very annoying lines on your thighs There are a lot of thick thigh struggles and this one almost wins.

8. You think twice before wearing skirts

On several occasions, you’ve found yourself checking the weather to know if it’ll be hot so that you don’t wear a skirt in the heat and burst into tears when your thighs get sore from rubbing against each other.

Pov: you breaking down after wearing a skirt in the heat

9. You can’t cross your legs

It can be frustrating to cross your legs, especially when the table is too low or the chair is too high, anyone that has a hack for this should open a group chat and share abeg.

There’s love in sharing oh

10. Your thighs are double the size when you sit

Your thighs somehow manage to look bigger when you sit down. If you’ve ever tried to take a thirst trap while seated In front of a mirror, you know what I mean.

Signed, the association of thick thighs.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.