If you date Nigerian women, you know that one way they show their love and appreciation for you is by giving you singlet and boxers for your birthday. What a thoughtful gift, isn’t it?
It is your turn to return the favour and show how much you love and appreciate your Nigerian woman. We compiled a list of things women absolutely want to be bought. (Source: Bureau of Imaginary Statistics)
1. Jar with 365 reasons why you love her.

Women don’t really want much. They just want to hear how much you love them. Why not write 365 reasons why you love her and put it in a jar. If you’re feeling nice, you can write it on coloured paper.
2. Flowers
Nigerian women love flowers. Just get her a bunch of flowers. No need to buy anything else.
3. Lipgloss
I can assure you she doesn’t want too much. Just a lip gloss would do. If you’re feeling nice, make it two to show her how much you love her.

4. Three months supply of sanitary pad

We all know how tough periods can be. Why not eliminate some of her worries by buying her sanitary towels for her birthday? Best. Partner. Ever.
5. Body Fantasies

This is for when you’re feeling ultra generous and you want to spoil her. She’s been a great girlfriend all year; it is time to reward her with this.
6. Peace of mind
Women love how to brag about how they don’t need to give their men anything because they give him peace of mind. How about you give them a taste? Gift them this peace of mind and call it a day. Till next year.

Read this one: 5 Things To Do When You Get A Salary Increase.