Cryptocurrency is the new thing everyone is talking about these days. Everywhere you turn to, people are talking about one coin or another. Twitter, WhatsApp, your office, your friends, everywhere. If you’re like me, and you don’t understand the first thing about bitcoins and all that, you’ll be able to relate to this post.
1. You watching a video explaining cryptocurrency for the 100th time

Wait o… they didn’t teach us about blockchain technology in school. So you mean I’ll just authorise someone to take money from my account in the hopes that the value will increase, and if my money turns from ₦100,000 to ₦20 in two hours, that’s my business?
2. When you see a tweet asking people which coins they’re buying

How do you people know which coins to buy? Is there a group chat? Please tell us these things.
3. When you hear “buy the dip”

What is the dip?
4. When people start mentioning other coins apart from bitcoin

Everyday, one new coin pops up. Today is doge, tomorrow it’s ethereum. When will I be able to keep up?
5. When you want to buy a coin but you don’t know how much to invest

Should I buy oni ₦5,000? Is that too small?
Should I put ₦100,000 in? Is that too risky?
6. When you hear that people are making a sweet profit

Where can I sign up, please? I want to do. I want to buy 2 Doge, 5 Ethereum and 20 Bitcoin.
7. When people start crying because they made losses

Shebi it’s you people that want to be Bill Gates now now. Oya now, where is your $1 million. Me that I didn’t put money, I know what I was doing. You people think you are wise.
8. But you’re not bothered because you don’t have money to buy cryptocurrency in the first place

It is what it is.
9. When you start seeing screenshots of cryptocurrency graphs and bars everywhere online

Which one is this again o.
QUIZ: Which Cryptocurrency Are You?