The weather is crazy hot right now, and my naturalistas are going through it. If you have natural hair, we’re certain that you can relate to the heat-related hair struggles we mentioned below.
Extremely dry hair

If there’s one thing that can make naturalistas breakdown and shed premium tears, it’s dry hair. This is because dry hair means loss of hair moisture, which can cause brittleness and hair breakage. This is why our natural girls are the ones cursing this heat the most.
Sweaty scalp

This heat can make people sweat in various places, including the scalp. For naturalistas, this is a nightmare. Apart from going through the stress of washing your hair every two days due to the sweat and dirt that have gathered there, you’re also dealing with dandruff and an itchy scalp. Have women not been through enough already????

Leave your hair for two seconds and it will get tangled. Then you find yourself using detanglers and conditioners to fight the battle that is detangling your hair.
Protective styling

You can’t even enjoy your natural hair in its full glory in this weather. Every other week, you’re doing one protective style or the other. And if you’re doing braids as a protective style, you almost want to cry because who wants braids on their head during this heatwave?
Hair shedding

This is not common, but it does happen to quite a number of people with natural hair. You’ll be sitting down, minding your business, and you’ll just notice your hair falling off. Or you’ll randomly play with your hair, and as you remove your hand, a bit of your hair will go with it. Omo!

If you’re a naturalista and you’re currently facing these problems, you need to be using Nature’s Gentle Touch products. We promise you, we’re not joking when we say they have a product for every hair problem you might have: breakage, heat damage, dandruff, dry hair, etc.
Nature’s Gentle Touch is a trusted brand that enhances the beauty in women. They believe that every woman’s hair is part of her beauty and contributes to her confidence, and they are committed to building this confidence.

For women’s month, Nature’s Gentle Touch is giving everyone 10% off all online purchases at The discount code is NGT10
To find out more about their products, you can find them on :
Instagram: @naturesgentletouch
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Facebook: Natures Gentle Touch