Everybody wants to be a happening babe because the alternative is being a babe that things are happening to. Here’s a list of things that define a happening babe. 

1. Flex is her middle name 

Her MO is flex; count her out of anything else. It doesn’t matter where she is, you will always find her popping. 

2. Best in hyping her friends 

If you are not a happening babe, you should definitely get a happening babe as a friend. They are always ready to hype you. Big or small wins, they will celebrate each one with you like it’s their birthday. 

3. Buys outfits for every outing 

Happening babes can’t go out with clothes they’ve been seen in before. This just means they don’t go out as often you may imagine. Who has that kind of money? 

4. Has a lot of friends 

Happening babes are like queen bees in a hive. They know so many people. Yet, they still manage to maintain a good relationship with every single one of them. It’s a commendable fit if you ask me. 

5. Almost always vlogging

A happening babe is almost always vlogging her life on Instagram. Every moment is snapshot worthy. The best thing about this is that they also take the best pictures of their friends because they know the right angles. 

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6. Party can’t start without her 

A party without a happening babe is simply known as a flop. Don’t believe me? Try it and see. 

7. A happening babe must happen 

A happening babe must happen regardless of the place or time. You can’t stop the happening but you can get with the program and enjoy yourself. 

8. Happening babes are always on the move 

They are always looking for the next thing to add their glow to. It could be at work, in school, in their relationships, etc. My advice to you is to enjoy the experience they bring while it lasts. 

So the big question is are you a happening babe or a babe that things are happening to?

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Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.