1. First of all, if you are a woman, marriage is the most important thing in this life (for you)!

2. As for you Mr man, remember that by marrying any woman, you are doing her a favour.

3. As a Nigerian man, you cannot say anything if you are struggling financially. Suffer in silence.

4. Ladies, even if you have money to help out financially, don’t!

5. Woman, your husband is more important than anybody, including you.

6. As a man, you are the most important member of your household.

7. If you see your husband doing something wrong, keep your opinions and suggestions to yourself.

8. As man, even if you know you are doing something wrong just continue.

9. Ladies, cooking for your husband and stomach-related activities are what should consume your mind: day and night.

10. As a man, it’s important you never learn to feed yourself because that is what women are there for.

11. If your husband loses weight, even for health reasons people will blame you and what can only be terrible cooking.

Do better ma.
12. If your wife gains too much weight, she is obviously not taking the marriage serious.

13. Ladies, don’t have friends oh, they will spoil your marriage.

14. Guys make sure you spend as much free time as possible with your guys, to help you relieve the tension of being in a stressful marriage.

15. If you have problems, a good wife doesn’t tell anyone that can help. Only God.

16. Once she does anything wrong, make sure you report her to anyone who has ears.

17. As a married woman, If your in-laws are being wicked to you, enjoy it.

18. A visual representation of what happens when a Nigerian husband sees his in-laws:

19. Even if you are working, your husband’s contribution to the children is purely financial.

20. If your wife asks you to watch the children, spend time with them and help them with their homework, simply unlook.

21. If he cheats on you, as a good Nigerian wife you should be like:

22. When you see your wife smiling with another man.