1. When all your married friends with kids see you as a free nanny.

Are these ones okay at all?

2. When the children you are babysitting don’t like you.

“You people don’t have good taste.”

3. When one of the children you are babysitting wets herself.


4. Then the younger sibling now poops on himself right after!

What kind of wahala is this?

5. When they start crying for their parents.

Me sef I want your parents to come back!

6. When you take them out and one goes missing in the shop.

That is how they will say you lost somebody’s child!

7. When they start complaining that they’re hungry.

Eat me oh!

8. When after you finish cooking they tell you they don’t like what you cooked.

What does that one mean?

9. When their parents finally come and carry them away.

Thank God!

10. The next time anyone asks you to babysit, you’re like:

Can’t happen oh!


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.