So I have an idea for a new version of hell.
In this version, people don’t know they’re dead and are in everyday scenarios they experienced while they were alive. The only difference is that they’re now stuck in a loop of very uncomfortable situations and the frustration drives them insane.
Uncomfortable situations like:
1) Being stuck in traffic while you have to take a hot, watery shit.

Traffic of biblical proportions.
2) Trying to fall asleep because you’re exhausted but not being able to because every part of your bed is wet with sweat.

Silent night. Never-ending night.
3) Having an itch in your throat all the time.

And no amount of throat scratching will help.
4) Trying to sleep but not being able to because both sides of the pillow are hot and uncomfortable.

5) Constantly trying to charge your almost dead phone because you’re expecting an important phone call but all you have is a charger with a faulty, shaky cable.

Then you have to deal with the sound of the phone connecting and disconnecting every few seconds.
6) Lining up for what seems like forever at an ATM only for it to get to your turn and you discover that the money has finished.

Then you begin the process at another ATM.
7) Picking beans for all eternity.

A bottomless sack of beans.
8) Deciding to cook beans (because it’s the only thing available) but it literally takes forever to cook.

And you have to stand there and watch the pot boil while you starve.
9) Having to listen to music with a pair of earphones that has only one shaky ear working.

10) Purging and having to wipe your ass with strong toilet paper.