Choosing to shave your head a.k.a the baldie look can be exciting and challenging at the same time. But before shaking your ass to the salon or barber shop, here are just some facts you’re better off knowing.

Take it from a resident baldie.

1. Reactions from others

Prepare an auto-response, because you will get the “WHY?” more times than you’re ready to answer. Some people will also carry the matter on their head; they can’t understand why a woman will choose to go low “like a man.”

2. The sun hits different

It’ll be as if your village people are cooking food on your head. Now that there’s no hair to shield you from all the elements, you will feel the scorching sun ten times more than the next person. Getting a scarf or sun hat might help.

3. It is not for the weak

This is where you need the armour of confidence and breastplate of bad-bishness. You will be talking to someone and all they can focus on is your shaved head. Also, there’s the occasional cool and not-so-cool stares from strangers. Well, baldie don’t care.

4. The shape of your head might not be pleasing

Just prepare to see a sacrificial egg in the mirror.

5. Your facial features will be accentuated

Everything will be brought to the fore – lips, eyes, nose, brows and even ears.

6. People will want to feel your head

Ahn ahn, fresh head. Watch out for mischievous friends, Nigerian conductors and bike riders that might give you a smack or two before you can process what just happened.

7. The breeze will hit different

You can be having a bad day, and then then one mad breeze will caress your bald head and make you forget every stressor. That shit hits different, especially if your hair was natural and thick. Freedom!

8. Wigs, scarves and hoops are your best friends

Before they say you’re a witch and you killed your man, splurge on some accessories. Depending on your reason for going bald, you could experiment with jewelry, scarves and wigs that’ll complement your look as well. No harm in switching things up! May they not snatch your wig and embarrass your ancestors sha.

9. You will still need maintenance

You thought you’d just shave your head and that will be it? Girrrrl, you’ll still need to care for your scalp if you want things healthy over there. This is because of the direct exposure to dust, dirt, sand and other elements.

10. You will miss your hair on some days

Especially if that’s all you’ve known your whole life. You could just randomly forget and want to flip your hair before realising, “Woah, there’s nothing there.” LOL!



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