Everybody wants to have detty December but does everybody have detty December money? If you are like me, here are a few alternatives to detty December you can opt for.

woman listening to music at home

1. Bake banana bread 

Who told you that the season of baking banana bread is over? The thing about baking is that you can do it whenever you want, especially when you are lonely and dreaming of the outside. What better ways to cope than to stuff yourself?

2. Indoors with your lover

You could be indoors with your lover, Netflixing and chilling with matching Christmas pyjamas while the rest of the world crashes and burns. Oh, the joys of Christmas. 

3. Karaoke night with the girls

Instead of you wasting money in one wannabe highbrow restaurant on the island, you could get drunk at home with the girls and dance to old love songs. 

4. Spending Christmas with your family

Here’s a wild one — you can visit your parents after five years of not going home. Unless you are running from trauma or can’t afford it, you should try, it might just be the boost of serotonin you’ve been lacking. Also, home-cooked meals will help you save money. 

5. Indoors sexting your long-distance lover

Especially if they are stuck in the UK with this red list nonsense. Instead of spending time outside, wasting money, buy data and connect with your lover. Don’t underestimate the power of sexting in strengthening relationships — flings even. 

6. Smoking with your friends

You can just host a smoke-out as in barbeque night in your backyard, if you have a backyard. It will cost way less than sitting in traffic to get to one event where the performer will jump from one end of the stage to another shouting into his mic for one hour. You can do better, dear. 

7. Babysitting your sister’s kids

This is a great time to connect with your family. If you are bored and don’t know what else to do, visit your sibling who has kids and pay a helping hand. That way you won’t even have time for FOMO. 

8. Clearing your cart

All the money that you would have used to pay for cab, you can just use it to clear your cart. By the time, everybody has worn their new clothes for December, you will have clothes to show off in January when sapa is hitting hard. We don’t have to look like the things we go through. 

woman holding atm

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